Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Trayvon Martin



The episode of Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman has brought out the ugliest parts of America by dividing the people along racial lines, showing that the tribal nature of humanity is far from going away. The flames were fanned by the President who said that his son would look like Trayvon, and by the likes of Al Sharpton, who makes a living off of racial division. It also has not been helped by so called conservatives and white Americans who wanted Trayvon shot just because he was a young black male, adding more fervor to what was already there. The truth to me is this, and that is Zimmerman thought he'd play Clint Eastwood and then Martin retaliated when he was being pursued. Now, if I was in Zimmerman's shoes, I would have shot Trayvon. I know what it is like to jumped by a gang of thugs, and if I had a gun on me that night,I would be on the news. I think Zimmerman legitimately defended himself, alebit being in the wrong for pursuing Martin in the first place. Only a jury who gets ALL THE FACTS can determine if a crime occurred.
-Kole Elyon

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