20 Then the Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous 21 that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.”
-Genesis 18 20:21
In this weeks Torah portion, God sends angels to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah when he later destroys them for their sins. Now, most people think that these cities were destroyed for sins relating to sex, but the Talmud paints a different picture. In the Talmud, the main complaint God had against the cities were that they were heartless people who neglected the poor, making it punishable by death to help the poor, and treated travelers with complete disregard by charging them an outrageous toll to get into the city. In other words, God destroyed the cities because of the way they were merciless to people. To make this story relate to our situation today, I want to talk about the disregard for the needy we have and the type of degenerate sexuality that has come to fruit. First, America the richest country on earth has a great deal of people who lack the basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter which is a sin to the Most High, and there is no excuse for the poverty we have in this country. Secondly, there is an alarming sexualization of our children. An example of this can be found right on television where one night I saw a group of preteen girls twerking on stage in tight skimpy outfits, just disgusting. This type of degeneracy has not been seen in the west since ancient Europeans were running around naked with blue powdered butts! This, and toddler "pageants", are nothing but blatant forms of pedantry. We need to change or otherwise we may face an unpleasant future. As a libertarian it is hard to admit, but there has been a sliding slope of degeneracy that has been going on for the past few decades, and we are only starting to see the effects.
-Kole Elyon Olam
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