Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bible Code:Jesus Was Married


"Take the Gospel of John. Chapter 2 tells a story about Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in the village of Cana. It is the first miraculous “sign” he performs. Though the text states that Jesus and his mother are guests at the wedding, they instead behave like the bridegroom and the bridegroom’s mother."

As a Jew, I do no have the vested interest in preserving the traditional image of Jesus that Christians do, but as an inhabitant of the western world, I have a responsibility to understand the most prolific figure in the history of Europe/America. There is one blunt fact, and that is Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi, one who probably took the commandment to go forth and multiply seriously. Now, there was a sect of Judaism at the time of Jesus called the Essenes which had strict rules for sex, including celibacy for some groups, that had a great deal of things in common with Christianity, so Jesus may have been a celibate Essene Jew, but that is for another discussion. The article cited above goes into some interesting commentary on the gospels saying that the wedding feast at Cana was indeed Jesus's own wedding, and that this is proven by a decoding of certain symbols. There are also traditions in Christianity that say Jesus was married and had children, but they lost out to the "Orthodox" Christian church. There are many reasons why Christianity would want to hush hush a Jesus marriage. First, to control sex is to control human beings very effectively, cults do it all the time. Telling someone who they can have sex with, when they can have, and why keeps people in a rigidly narrow box, which makes them more malleable. Secondly, there is a putting down of sex in some philosophies which had a great deal of influence on the formation of Christian theology, mostly various forms of Platonism. Lastly, there is the scandals of many church officials in the Western world in Popes, bishops, and priests would form dynastic lines to pass on money and property.. The church deemed this inappropriate and made celibacy a mandatory oath. In all, controlling sex is a way controlling people, controlling them very effectively.
*Eastern Christian priests are allowed to be married, so are Protestant ministers
*Eastern Christianity has a more favorable view of sex, but alebit is still somewhat anachronistic
*Another reason for a coverup of a Jesus family would be for the protection of his wife and kids. If people had known of a Jesus family, then they would have been in dnager given the status of Jesus. We have seen what happens with dynastic struggles in the split of Shia/Sunni Islam with the descendats of Muhammed being exterminated, and the struggle of Jacob and Esau in the Torah highlight the danger of religious leader's families being known. The Apostles would have known something like this, and would seek to avoid it.
-Kole Elyon

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