Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thunder,Lightning, and Rainbows

I am going to open up on a more positive note today, and that is quite unusual for me, being that I am one of the biggest cynics around. I want to sit and reflect on a positive thing to be thankful for, it does get quite exhausting to be harping on about the negativity in this world.

First off, love does exist, period. It is not a fairy tale. If love is not real, then what I have is better, it is something more than what can be conceptualized and articulated by human language, meaning the word love itself is not adequate for what I posses in life. I know all of this surely. I cannot fully understand what has happened nor why, but it has. For the longest time I did not believe that love existed, nor did I ever believe in the words "soul mate" or that someone could be "made for you". I was a pure skeptic about "true love", I always hoped it was true, but now I have converted to thinking it is true. The chances that two people from very different backgrounds who have so much alike can simply fall into each other's lap would be a coincidence that would have odds smaller than an internal combustion engine spontaneously freezing upon start up or someone winning the lottery ten times in a row, it is that unlikely. Why I am here in this moment of my life in a relationship with the person I am with is beyond me, only Hashem knows, however; I am embracing the moment and going with it 110%.

Secondly, what does the average person reading this blog have to learn from the emotional gushing I am doing now, what is in it for you? Well, I have some quick advice for everyone out there. If you have a good person in your life, a person who loves you for who you are and will be with you through hell and back, then DO NOT let that person go. To paraphrase a quote I heard somewhere, a good woman,or man, comes around only once perhaps every ten years, and a great one only comes around once in a lifetime. The person I have now IS that GREAT ONE, I will not let go , and if you have someone like that, then do not let go either. Treasure that person as gold, heck I call my girlfriend my goddess! Do not be torn apart by people who are simply jealous by your happiness, just keep fighting on. It is not worth losing a perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity because someone else, or "elses", might disapprove of your relationship, or want to tear it apart for some other nefarious reasons. Live life for you, that's it! If you are young, and have found someone who might be "the one", then dedicate yourself to that person and the building of your relationship, you will be happier for doing so. Do not let the nasty noisy negativist voices of your peers say things like that you need to enjoy your youth by drinking yourself drunk as a single person or that you are too young to settle down, they are just jealous of what you have found. If you are older, and have been through living hell with relationships in the past, then try to come with a fresh outlook on your significant other, because they might just be the person you have waited for your entire life for. The popular saying that there are other fish in the sea is only a HALF TRUTH! Surely, there are many fish in the seas, but no other fish is quite like the one you have, and if it is thrown in to the ocean of the world, then you will never get a fish like that one again. It will be gone forever. Bottom line, keep good people in your life and fight rabidly to keep them there.

When you meet someone and they shake you like thunder, light up the darkness of your soul like a bolt of lightning, and bring happiness to your life like the scene of a bright rainbow after a storm, that is the one, your soul mate. I have found mine. I pray to God you find yours and wish blessings and good fortune upon you.

-Kole Elyon

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