Friday, August 2, 2013

The Plutocracy Will Fight

"The Justice Department and attorneys general from 33 states submitted a remedy to a federal court in New York that would require Apple to terminate with the five book publishers it worked with to raise prices on e-books. The proposal would also require Apple to provide links to competitors Amazon and Barnes & Noble from their e-book apps for two years."

This is another indicator we live in nothing but a PHONY VERSION of capitalism where the owners of the society act like high priests and dictate the actions that occur, like price fixes. This is a good blow the to the Apple oligarchy, but this is only scratching the surface as this type of price fixing occurs with all types of products ranging from food to clothes. That type of corruption seeps to the highest levels of society,and the common person knows little about it. Apple is acting as a sarificial lamb to appease some while other oligarchs will still get away with murder. The government is only going after Apple to make an example, but they will allow others to continue with these evil types of actions. The truth is, the government is controlled and owned by the oligarchs, so the government will not only allow this type of action to go on, it will facilitate this type of thing. I repeat, this is only meant to preserve the illusion that the bad guys are being defeated, it is only an illusion, because the bad guys rule over us. Look at President Obama, who says he will lower corporate taxes and raise taxes on foreign production for an example. He is saying a good thing but he or the parties will never do it. Obama's biggest supporter, General Electric, makes billions of untaxed dollars in revenue overseas. I don't he will bite the hand that feeds him. In all, just take away that big government, big money, and big business are all one in the same.
-Kole Elyon

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