"Dibyayev is ready to take on attackers. 'I always carry a pistol and have seven more weapons at home,' he said. “When someone upsets a Jewish person, he goes with two guns.' "
Read more: http://forward.com/articles/162028/dagestans-mountain-jews-flee-chaos/?p=all#ixzz2fn8Odizq
I am getting to know the different Jewish communities of the world, and the mountain Jews who live in the remote regions of Russia are very interesting. There is a silent war between Islamic extremists and everyone else, including the Jews who live in this region. They have lived in the region for centuries literally having to fight for their very existence. Throughout the years there have been different enemies of the Jews of Dagestan including but not limited to native pagan tribes, Russian conquerors, and Islamic radicals. These Jews existence have literally been a constant state of warfare. These are not the pencil toting Jewish lawyers and bankers that people think of when you talk about Jews, they are warriors, and probably closer to what the original form of Judaism was in the days of the bible, just read the Book of Joshua to see what I am talking about. I find it easier to relate to these Jews than the average Jew I meet in the shul because my existence at times has been like their existence. I have lived in some areas where gun shots were a nightly sound, and death was always a constant threat waiting around the corner. I have talked to other Jews and have been hard identifying with them because they have lived the country club life, and I have no idea what that is like. Plus, these country club Jews have no idea what it is like to go without food, to fight for your life, and to evade murderous gangs. These Jews in the mountains of Dagestan do know what that is like, and more. May Hashem deliver them from their enemies and bring them home with all Jews to the Holy Land.
-Kole Elyon Olam
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