As a man, I will try to tackle these myths, that is, I will try to dispell or validate them. Let's play some Mythbusters witht eh Top Ten Myths of Cheating according to ASKMEN. This can be fun, and hopefully be a little informative. Enjoy!
No.10 Once An Affair Is Out In The Open, A Couple Can Never Be Happy Again
The website says that this is false, but I say it is more true than false, I mean, the relationship might not break over an affair, but it definitely will not be the same. The relationship will go down a very negative path, and this creates a great deal of unhappiness. I'm sorry, once an affair is found out about, the relationship can never be the same and fully recover.No.9 Most People Who Have Affairs Are Unhappy In Their Marriage/Relationship
I think that this one is false, but definitely true. One does not need to be unhappy to face the temptations of being human. A person could be in a relationship, perfectly happy, and just be greedy for more. There is a saying that goes, "Women love too much, and men love too many": and this would ring true to dispel this myth.
Patently false! A person could cheat in a relationship simply for sexual issues, period. A man or woman could be perfectly happy in a relationship, but still cheat. It comes back to the simple notion that humans have a tendency to think more=better, and this includes sex. People cheat for money, emotional needs, and sex, which is probably the number one reason.
No.7 You Can't Call It Cheating If Sex Wasn't Involved
Again, this is definitely false. If a person goes to hug. and cuddle with someone else who is not their significant other, it is cheating. If a person stays on the phone all night with a person talking to them as if they were a significant other, it is cheating. To share yourself with a person who is not your partner in a way that you would usually reserve for your partner, then you are cheating on some level. I mean, if you can tell someone something secret,then you should be able to tell your significant other. Again if you share yourself emotionally or physically with someone other than your partner then you are cheating them and yourself!
No.6 Affairs Are All About Sexual Attraction
This statement is the converse of number 8. It is also false as was number 8. There are things in a relationship which are beyond sex, and sometimes those needs are not met. If a person has great sex with someone, but that person does not communicate with them or what not, then they may go to someone else for that need, thus creating a situation where more could develop.
No.5 Affairs Happen Because Of Problems In The Marriage
What marriage, or relationship, does not have an issue or two? So, the idea that relationships fall apart because of problems alone is absurd! For instance, some people may have financial problems, but still are able to make the relationship work without cheating, or another couple may have communication problems without cheating. I believe that it is a conglomeration of problems which become deeply seeded into the relationship which cause them to fall apart. It takes a lot to break a bond,unless that bond was weak in the first place.
No.4 Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater
Mostly true. Yes, there are examples of people who cheat once and do not do it again, but the vast majority do. I have seen time and time again where people cheat, say they won't do it again, and go back to cheating. I am not saying it is impossible to repent and be faithful, I am just saying that it takes an extraordinary person with great character, which happens not to be most people.
No.3 After An Affair, Kiss Your Marriage Goodbye
Again, like number 1, mostly true. If you cheat on your spouse, then your marriage will not be the same, and most likely it will disintegrate. I've seen relationship after relationship fall apart due to cheating, and that is the case on the grand scale as well. The empirical evidence backs my claim.
No.2 Affairs Happen With People Much Younger Or More Attractive
Half truth. As I said earlier, sex is probably the number one reason why people cheat on someone, so it makes sense to think that a person would try to cheat with someone they feel is more attractive then their partner, but this is not always the case. Everyone has seen people who go and cheat with someone who is far less attractive then their partner. You end up thinking to yourself that this person would be crazy to cheat on a beautiful person like the one they had.Bottom line, people are crazy, and cheat for crazy reasons beyond sex.
No.1 Affairs Happen Because Guys Are On The Prowl For A Little On The Side
Mostly true. Men are sexual creatures, and they by instinct are tempted to spread their genes to as many places as possible, just check a BIO 101 textbook. Guys will often get greedy and not be satisfied with having just one partner, the one's who are tend to be men with phenomenal character. I say a lot of cheating is just because men want to give into temptation.
-Kole Elyon
-Kole Elyon
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