Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why Miley Cyrus Is Important

"It's a damn shame that Miley is doing this to herself, making a vulgar joke out of her talents and her beauty..."

I was never a fan of Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montanna, or an pop garbage, but many people are, including young girls and young boys. These fans look at Miley Cyrus as some sort of a symbol or idol, this is only human nature. It is imperative for us as a society to examine what is going on, discuss it, and do something about it. Now, what is happening is Miley Cyrus is coming into her own and she has expanded herself to be much more sexual and mature, leaving the Disney image behind. With this transformation comes a great deal of consequences which will ripple across the continuum of society. For girls, it shows them that it is good to be a sexual object, to totally dehumanize themselves. For boys, it shows them that girls are only sexual objects to be treated as such. This type of degradation of women is very disgusting, and turns back the clock, way back to the days before Europe was civilized and the Welsh were running around naked with blue powdered butts.We as a society are descending back into tribal paganism in the absence of the influence from churches. As an honest observer of history, Europe was not truly civilized until it became Christendom.  It was not until Christian ideals were imparted to barbaric tribes that women were treated as people to be idealized and cherished. We are going back to our tribal nature in the absence of Christian ideals, and I admit that as a Jew. The transformation of Miley Cyrus is only a snapshot of western society as a whole. If we do no want to go back to the days of naked barbarians treating women as trophies, then we will have to go back to the idea which shaped the western world, Christianity.
-Kole Elyon

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