Why is it that people are so cut and dry these days? I mean, everyone wears the same clothes, talks the same, eats the same etc. People do not like like to think for themselves, and I see it everyday at work. If someone comes up to my line and orders a coffee they will often ask for sugar. I proceed to ask them how many sugars they want and they say," How many is normal?" I feel like shaking people and saying THERE IS NO NORMAL, IT IS UP TO YOU! These people just like to go with the the rest of the hive, and they have no mind for themselves! I don't understand how people can be like this, however; I am considered a "freak" by society due to the fact I hate groups and group think, so maybe that is somewhat of a contributor to it. I think that corporate control of America has something to do with it. When the Mom and Pop places disappeared, the notion of specialty and individuality went along with them since corporations love to keep everything cookie cut. I just have never felt at ease anywhere, perhaps it is because I refuse to just go along with the hive. I know this sounds like a rant of a murderous maniac, but I am only blowing off some steam. I am just tired of seeing people act like robots obeying the dictates of society's puppet masters without thinking. Humanity gives me little hope,very little. It is no wonder we do so much evil to each other.
-Kole Elyon
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