Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Now many people are asking me what my name Kole Elyon means, and why I have chosen it. Well, here are the secrets behind the name. First, it IS NOT my real name, but it is only a pen name. Many famous people have taken pen names like Mark Twain, who I admire a great deal, who's real name is Samuel Clemens. Itt,  is simply a unique name to catch attention. Now, the next question is what does it mean? To start, Kole is a word play on the Hebrew word Kol. Here, a bible lexicon gives some information about the word:

Hebrew words
kol "Crack of whip / And rattle of wheel, Galloping steed / And bounding chariot! " (Nahum 3:2) (The word kol in original Hebrew has been translated contextually as both "crack" and "rattle.") voice, sound 

In Hebrew, the word "kol" means voice. I added an "e" to make the word a name.

Next is the word Elyon, which means "God most High".

In a nutshell, I have designated myself as "Voice of God Most High" I know, that is an audacious claim, but I do not literally think myself a prophet like Daniel or Isaiah. I only think of myself as a man who speaks what is right, and therefore what God would want to be said. Like the prophets of old, I scream to the hills about what is going on in the world, and only hope to attract the ears of a remnant that has some sense. In attracting the attention of the remnant of people on this earth which has some sense, I hope to be able to make some small dent in the large scheme of things.
-Kole Elyon

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