Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Paranormal Fun
Next weekend, there will be the 2013 MUFON Symposium which is a big deal in the paranormal community. It is one of the largest events of the year where experts in the field of ufolology, the study of ufo's and extraterrestrials, gather to share information. Now, go ahead and say that I am wearing a tin foil hat, and I am nothing but a nut job, however; there is a great deal of evidence that backs many things that are related to paranormal phenomenon. In regard to ufo's and aliens, there is evidence for alien visitations to earth. Look up Stanton Friedman and his work on the crash at Corona, and that is the best documented ufo investigation that has ever been conducted, which will be the case the which could make you a "believer". Also, think for a second, and just contemplate the shear size of the universe. It would be arrogant to think we are the only intelligent beings that God has put in the universe with the billions of planets and stars that are out there. I will try to get to the symposium to check it out.
-Kole Elyon

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