The problem with our country, and world, is not political of nature, but it is a cultural and spiritual problem. In short, we as a species have become so absorbed into ourselves and have in effect become like microcosms of black holes where we just suck everything in and implode. We have no regard for the wellbeing of others. Our only impulse is to consume and consume until we are gluttonized with alcohol, drugs, sex, and any other object which can be taken into us, it is a sad day. I am not innocent in the inoculation in all of this, but I have been enlightened by the eternal one as to how I am, and He gives me the strength to move forward. Only when we as a species wakeup and achieve a higher level of awareness and enlightment will the problems of this earth be fixed save the coming of HaMasiach the descendant of King David who is said to free the earth from suffering. I pray today on this shabbos that humanity will be able to put away bitter strife to work toward peace and goodwill for all. I will start by being the difference I want to see in the world. As I light the candles tonight and say the Amidah, I will ponder on these things.
-Kole Elyon
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