I have studied human psychology to an extent and have come to the conclusion that I hate crowds, and I mean a deep loathing. Basically, besides the feeling of being swallowed up which I hate, crowds exponentiate the normal idiocy the average individual posesses. For example, in the place I work there is a tendency for people to build into mobs to get to the counter to place an order, and that does not follow a rationale at all. I mean really, why just go somewhere to be behind someone for a long time staring at someone's ass, and on top of that KNOWING that this will be the case just further makes this phenomenon more nonsensical. Another example could be found in rock concerts, church meetings, and other venues where a person on stage could scream throw piss at the person next to you and the mob would do so. It is also documented that if an emergency occurs in a crowd then you better be scared, because the mob feels a "displaced responsibility" so each person feels that next person will take care of what needs to be taken care of resulting in nothing being done. Last but not least, it is usually to the cheer of mobs which societies are broken down and freedom taken, look at Nazi Germany. In all, I cannot get why people get into crowds.
-Kole Elyon
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