Sunday, July 14, 2013

Zimmerman Riots

This whole trial has become a circus which needs to end soon, very soon. People are now rioting because a man who had committed manslaughter in my opinion has gotten away scott free. People have the freedom to protest guaranteed by God and the constitution, but I have the freedom to call people idiots for doing so. What makes matters worse, is that YOUR GOVERNMENT has spent TAX PAYER money on"rallies" for Trayvon, organized by the NEW BLACK PANTHERS on top of it. This whole ordeal has been political from the beginning when President Obama made the whole "if I had a son..." comment and then Al "the Instigator" Sharpton and Jesse "High" Jackson ran with this case to the end zone in order to keep their marginal relevance going. The media handling of the case has been outright disgusting with MSNBC editing 911 tapes to make Zimmerman look like some sort of racist bounty hunter, the use of older pics of Trayvon to make him look innocent, and the use of Zimmerman's mugshot expose the media and their loyalties. This episode has brought out the ugly of people and it shows we as a country are far from being"post racial". As far how Obama inserted himself into the situation, it exposed him for being the divisive and corrupt individual he is, far from being the great racial healer he portrayed himself to be.If their is anything to learn from this case it is this; there is not a lot of hope for humanity. I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.
-Kole Elyon

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